Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"The only other sound's the sweep - Of easy wind and downy flake."

I wasn't planning to make a post about my latest snowshoeing because seriously, hearing about someones solo snowshoe hikes just gets old after awhile I imagine. But then Megan wrote a post about deciding which poem she should memorize and one of them was Robert Frost's Stopping By Wood On A Snowy Evening, which reminded me so much of my Saturday afternoon on the trail to Lake Blanche that I thought I'd throw up a few pictures. It was uneventful, and because of that it was wonderful. I turned around after 2 very steep miles, saw almost no one, it snowed the whole time, and I found the most perfect lunch spot ever sitting on a fallen log over the river. It was so incredibly quiet and the wind was doing the prettiest things with the snow on the cliffs above me. Sometimes I wish someone was out there with me to enjoy the day with, but this time I didn't. I really enjoyed having it all to myself, even more than I usually do. (after so many fieldtrips and never spotting any snowshoe hare tracks for the kids I was starting to think I just wasn't recognizing them, but they were unmistakable and all over the place along this trail. They must have had some kind of snowshoe hare party that morning)
(more creative tree graffiti...unless this person's initials are BBQ which would be pretty cool too)
(a lone juniper. It seemed out of place up here)
(The view from my picnic spot. Right by the road too but the river was even louder than the ski bus chugging up the canyon so I didn't even notice)

1 comment:

Andy said...

I had to zoom in on the last picture to make sure that wasn't an ice cream sandwich.