Friday, July 2, 2010

I like art

I love art galleries. Love them.

I don't think we have any world class art galleries in Utah, but the Springville Art Museum has always been pretty nice in my opinion. Sadly I didn't discover it till right before I graduated from college and moved an extra hour away from it. They have some great exhibits come through, last years "Sagebrush Pinion and Pine" exhibit was especially amazing, but I like to go down there for the annual Spring Salon exhibit. It's all the local artists' work and even if we don't have the best art galleries, we do have some pretty good artists here. Many times there's scenes of the desert and the local mountains that I love and wish I could buy. That's the other cool thing, almost all the pieces are for sale and I like to browse them all and pick out the one I'd purchase if I had a few thousand dollars laying around. Here's a few of the paintings that caught my attention. This year if I could have bought one I'd have picked the first one with the second two being close runners up.

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