The random adventures of me...and myself
Then this happened and I decided I must have severe ADD because even though I was taking my own picture, somehow in that fraction of a second between pressing the button and the picture taking I was distracted.
It wasn't even something big or startling that got my attention, I just got distracted. I guess I shouldn't give Samantha a hard time till I can master taking my own picture first.
Simon didn't do much better but at least he wasn't trying to grab the camera.
Back to the whole Katie and Suzanne split personality thing... maybe Candi was right... maybe I do have a split personality because I don't know that the same person should be craving both of these things so badly. I wonder which side of me is Katie and which is Suzanne and who is craving which item? Oh well, it doesn't matter, they're just dreams...
but maybe someday...
...if I'm lucky...